Trafalgar House Dental Practice

Dentures in Truro

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Discover the freedom of smiling with dentures

Dentures offer a versatile and effective solution for those seeking to replace missing teeth. Crafted from removable plastic or metal frameworks, they can feature individual or multiple false teeth, helping you to bite and chew normally.

Types of dentures

  1. Complete – Ideal for those who have lost all of their natural teeth, complete dentures replace an entire arch—either upper or lower—and rest on the gums.
  2. Partial – When some natural teeth remain, partial dentures help with filling the gaps. They attach to the existing teeth, preventing them from shifting.
  3. Immediate – These dentures are crafted in advance and placed immediately after the removal of natural teeth. They serve as a temporary solution during the initial healing period, ensuring the wearer is not without teeth during the process.

The process

One of the significant advantages of dentures is their customisability. Each set of dentures is tailor-made to fit the unique needs of the individual. The process usually involves:

  • Impressions: Precise moulds are taken of the oral structure to create dentures that snugly fit the gums and mouth.
  • Colour matching: Dentures are colour-matched to the natural shade of the remaining teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking smile.
  • Bite alignment: The alignment of the dentures is carefully adjusted to ensure proper bite and function.

Benefits of dentures

  1. Eat your favourite food again
    Say goodbye to missing out on your favourite foods! Dentures bring back the joy of effective chewing, ensuring you can savour a diverse range of foods and maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
  2. Speak with confidence
    Worried about pronunciation hiccups? Dentures step in to support your facial muscles, enhancing speech clarity and making communication smoother. It’s all about helping you express yourself with confidence.
  3. Natural-looking
    Dentures not only serve a practical purpose but also work wonders for your smile’s appearance. Whether it’s complete dentures giving you a full set of teeth or partial dentures blending seamlessly with your existing ones, the result is a smile that looks and feels naturally beautiful.

Price consideration

The cost of dentures varies based on factors such as the type of denture, materials used, and the complexity of the customisation process. While the initial investment is a consideration, it’s important to view dentures as a long-term investment in both oral health and overall well-being.

Other treatments

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Teeth Whitening

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